Shorouk Specialised Hospital Careers (15+ New Positions)

  • Full Time
  • Egypt

Shorouk Specialised Hospital

Shorouk Specialised Hospital Careers (15+ New Positions)

  1. Resident Assistant
  2. Youth Care Worker
  3. Attendant
  4. Director Diagnostic Services
  5. Home Care Attendant
  6. Health Care Aide
  7. Family Physician
  8. Registered Nurse
  9. Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
  10. Registered Nurse
  11. Licensed Practical Nurse 
  12. Registered Nurse (N2)
  13.  Medicine Resource Team
  14. Mental Health Clinician-Community
  15. Adolescent Treatment Service
  16. General Duty Medical Laboratory Technologist
  17. Social Worker (MSW) 
  18. Primary Care Assistant
  19. Home Care Attendant
  20. Pharmacist: Repost
  21. Health Care Aide
  22. Recreation Worker


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